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Tammie Stevens - Managing Director
Before starting BillyFish Books, I pursued a successful performing career, and founded an animal rescue, The Lazarus Fund, of which I am still executive director here in Colorado. Both lines of work required resourcefulness and perseverance to engineer creative solutions to often seemingly insurmountable problems, a common feature of the world of independent publishing it seems, and honed my skills in public relations and the media.

My real forte, however, is championing a person or cause I believe in. Add to that a nose for a good yarn and a sharp editorial eye, and you have a savvy negotiator in your corner, someone who will do whatever it takes to connect your story with a wide readership. For whether it’s acting out stories on stage, turning heartbreaking animal stories into happy ones, or publishing them, I am the voice of someone or something crying out to be heard. That has always been, and always will be, where my heart is.

Tammie Stevens - second from the left